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  • Strength - All you want, in terms of Strength, is enough of it to equip everything you will want to use on your character.
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    Not the best choice for high-density areas Rather fragile - you will die easily if you get caught off-guard One of the most expensive builds in the gameĬan Deal with Physical Immunities rather well Very high Physical DPS and high clear speeds You can also check our other Diablo 2 Resurrected Builds Overall, Strafe Bowazon is a solid but extremely expensive top-tier farming build, capable of clearing end-game content on /Players7 difficulty.

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    In certain areas, it performs better than the Multi-Shot version (for example, when dealing with physical immunities or fighting elite monsters), but falls a bit behind when monster density gets too high (when you get surrounded, you're in trouble). It offers great DPS and can deliver punishment very reliably while keeping a safe distance. The featured version of the Strafe Bowazon is a great alternative to the tried and true Multi-Shot Bowazon. Because of this, it's about time we came up with a Strafe Bowazon Build that would feature this skill's new capabilities. It no longer has a starting -25% Damage penalty and now grants +30% baseline and +9% per level Attack Rating. Its main downsides - below average damage and tendency to miss its targets were almost completely removed. Amazon Build For Diablo 2 Resurrected v2.4Īfter the Buff received in patch 2.4, Strafe has become the most reliable and, in many areas, the most powerful Physical Arrow Skill.

    Bow amazon diablo 2 resurrected